Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Intro Talk To Kill A Mocking Bird.... :)

1. Nobody is all good or bad...
 I think that no person is all good and all bad every person has some good in them or some bad in them in every movie or television show that you see you will reliaze that maybe in the television program there might be all good or all bad but its all fake. think about it do you know anyone that has never lied or someone that has never hurt someone else? Well every person has hurt someone else maybe not physically but maybe mentally or emotionally. An example would be a guy and a girl. Maybe the guy broke the girls heart and the girl ended up heart broken. That right there is an example of how no person is good or bad. Another example would be that maybe a girl might look all innocent and everything but maybe deep inside hiding herself she might be doing stuff that her family or friends wouldnt like. Maybe she might be getting in trouble with like people that arent a really good example of "nice people."

2.Some words are so offensive they should never be stated or written.
In this case I believe that this is true. Some people get really upset when they see a word that maybe has something to do with their race. An example would be that maybe Hispanics would get mad when they see a word that says something bad about their country. For example a lot of Hispanics including me get offended when some people think that all Hispanics are from Mexico. Like really are you that offended by Hispanics that your gonna believe in all that Hispanics are from Mexico thing? Don't think wrong I dont care where the person is but sometimes people pass their limits. Another example would be when maybe a American would the say the n-word to a black person. Why is it that they do that? I mean obviously a white person isnt gonna like it when a black person talks something weird about them.
This are my two opinios... :) ♥

Friday, November 5, 2010

Alternate Ending

In Of Mice And Men I think that the ending should've been that George,Lennie,Candy and Crooks all get to have their own ranch. Crooks could help George and Lennie and Candy can do the dishes and the house chores. This way Lennie wouldve gotten to tend his rabbits and all 4 of them wouldve been happy together away from Curley and his wife.