Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Moth Radio (201.)

1)I believe that this story is really racist just because a person is from a different color it doesn't mean that the person is gonna do harm to other people. 
2)The black guy got interviewed a lot and also his questions where a bit more tense the little boy's. Listening to this piece you can tell that when they see a black guy with a white little boy then police will think wrong. Maybe they might think that the man might harm the little boy.
3)Cleveland talks more respectful and calm to the police officers while Noah on the other hand is really inpatient and also he keeps on saying that if they take Cleveland again to the police station then he says he will kill himself.
4) A stereo type in this story has to be that just because Cleveland is black they believe that he is from a place where mostly all blacks where from like the south and also that they where African-Americans. Also they thought that maybe the man might of done something to the mom and that's why they thought wrong of him.
5)The police officers finally believe Cleveland when he gives the police officers the number of his mom and they call him and the women tells them that Noah had to be with Cleveland since Cleveland had to pick him up from a play date since his dad lives in Woodstock.
6)Well I believe Ms. Edward's pick this story because since Mr. Finch is defending a black man many people believe that he might be doing because the black man has threaten him or something like that. When they see a black man with a white men then maybe some police officers would think that it is not correct for people like that to be together back then a couple of years ago. Now a days it doesn't really matter because racism isn't much of a big deal as it was in the 1940's.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Intro Talk To Kill A Mocking Bird.... :)

1. Nobody is all good or bad...
 I think that no person is all good and all bad every person has some good in them or some bad in them in every movie or television show that you see you will reliaze that maybe in the television program there might be all good or all bad but its all fake. think about it do you know anyone that has never lied or someone that has never hurt someone else? Well every person has hurt someone else maybe not physically but maybe mentally or emotionally. An example would be a guy and a girl. Maybe the guy broke the girls heart and the girl ended up heart broken. That right there is an example of how no person is good or bad. Another example would be that maybe a girl might look all innocent and everything but maybe deep inside hiding herself she might be doing stuff that her family or friends wouldnt like. Maybe she might be getting in trouble with like people that arent a really good example of "nice people."

2.Some words are so offensive they should never be stated or written.
In this case I believe that this is true. Some people get really upset when they see a word that maybe has something to do with their race. An example would be that maybe Hispanics would get mad when they see a word that says something bad about their country. For example a lot of Hispanics including me get offended when some people think that all Hispanics are from Mexico. Like really are you that offended by Hispanics that your gonna believe in all that Hispanics are from Mexico thing? Don't think wrong I dont care where the person is but sometimes people pass their limits. Another example would be when maybe a American would the say the n-word to a black person. Why is it that they do that? I mean obviously a white person isnt gonna like it when a black person talks something weird about them.
This are my two opinios... :) ♥

Friday, November 5, 2010

Alternate Ending

In Of Mice And Men I think that the ending should've been that George,Lennie,Candy and Crooks all get to have their own ranch. Crooks could help George and Lennie and Candy can do the dishes and the house chores. This way Lennie wouldve gotten to tend his rabbits and all 4 of them wouldve been happy together away from Curley and his wife.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Blog Entry #5 (optional)

I am just doing this for fun... :),
The things I like and dislike about the film is that they make Lennie seem to old he should be younger because I don't know I just feel like they should take off a couple of years from Lennie because it seems that Lennie is older then George! Now that just doesn't seem right to me. Also I wouldv'e liked it better if they mentioned Curley and his wife a bit more. But what I did love about the film is that I loved all the drama that was going on in the film. For example one of those dramas would be that Curley is always trying to start a fight with George. Another one would be that Curley's wife should be shown a bit more especially with Slim and George.
The things i like and dislike about the book is that Lennie doesn't seem to give up on his rabbits. What I don't like is that George seems to be giving Lennie the idea of him actually being able to tend the rabbits. What I do like is that the book seems to have the perfect characters and also the perfect events.

Bye Lennie: We Will Miss You.

So Lennie is gone....that's sad. I loved Lennie he was my favorite character of the book. I feel sorry that he got shot in the head just because of what he did. He never meant to harm Curley's wife all that happened was that he started touching her hair because she told him too. I think that George shooting Lennie was both bad and good. I think this because George was his best friend and it was better for Lennie to get shot in the head for he can just die fast. The way Curley was going to shoot Lennie was going to be a long and painful death. George had his reasons and I believe that him doing it was better then Curley doing it. This kind of ties up to Candy and his dog, Candy didn't want to kill his dog and I guess maybe George remembered that and thought that it was better if he killed Lennie instead. I believe George killing Lennie was both good and bad and this is where I stand in the end of this story. Poor Lennie he never got to tend the rabbits...but maybe he will where ever he is...

Thursday, October 7, 2010

May Candy's dog R.I.P.

Well I believe that Candy's dog should have never been shot. Just because an animal is getting old and doesn't have a lot of time left in his life doesnt mean it should be killed. A dog is a man's bestfriend and the dog should stay with the owner that raised him until the animal passes away. When a senior person (65+) is getting old and can't really work or do anything then they should spend their last days with their family and friends and not get shot in the back of the head just because of age. When Candy heard that his dog had already been shot then of course he reacted, any person that has had a dog for years and knows that the poor creature is useless then they won't care they would want to stay with the animal for as long as they could. The dog was never bothering Carlson so why would you kill it? It wasn't his dog and if it was he wouldn't want someone else shooting his dog in the head! What Carlson did was wrong and I believe that Candy should have been able to keep his old dog and get one of Slim's new puppies that his dog had just had.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Life at School: Part 2.

OK so school....what can I say so far I'm loving high school its an experience that not to many people get to feel when they are my age but me well...I like it because I feel like every teacher that i have is nice to the students and to me and some teachers aren't like that at all. I'm doing really good in school so far I have good teachers and my new friends are great even if they are from a different school. Takoma Park Middle School students never really got along with students from SSI or Eastern but now that I look at it. Why? We come from different schools different backgrounds and different neighborhoods but so what we all come to Blair High School to learn and have fun. Teenagers shouldn't be hated just because of what school they come. Things that I don't like about school is that I feel like its to crowded!!! The SAC is way to crowded for lunch and when it comes to the 6 minutes before 6th period lunch Blair Blvd. is way to crowded. If I could change this school I would change maybe a couple of things like they should let Juniors out for lunch not just Seniors and we should be able to use our cellphones during lunch but only in the SAC or outside. I feel like school should be a place where students want to come to school not because they have to but because they want to. for students to become more excited about school the school staff should give us a chance for us to tell them what we want and for them to make at least one thing come true. if  a student says he/she wants more privileges then the staff should consider one of this options. Well i guess that's all i have to say about school today! Talk to you guys soon! :) -Bye